Which side will you support in this epic battle of good vs. good as local police and fire fighting heroes will take the ice brfor the kids at CHaD in the Battle of the Badges Hockey brChampionship taking place this weekend, April 11th, at the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH. All the good from thisbrbattle goes to the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD)!
Quotes from the players:
“This a good show for the kids! We’ll have funbrplaying, but this is all about the kids!”
“CHaD is such a great cause!”
“This is all about the kids! Such a well-done event.”
“The tour ofbrCHaD brings home what you are raising money for.”
brbr“Meeting the kids is the best. They always smile andbrare energetic and happy. I am happy to be with them and for them.”
Meet a few players:
Ian Gill, a firefighter in Concord, New Hampshire,brknows CHaD and the Hanover area well. He’s a veteran player and a topbrfundraiser for Battle of the Badges.
Clark Brighton is a newbie to the Battle but not tobrhockey. He grew up in Hanover and is playing as a firefighter for Rollinsford,brnear Dover, New Hampshire.
Christian Henault is a firefighter in Harford, Vermont,brand looks forward to the game and raising money for CHaD.
Jeff Clattenburg, a firefighter in Lebanon, has playedbrfor the past seven years and is one of the event’s top fundraisers.
Firefighters and police officers from around Vermontbrand New Hampshire hit the ice at the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester forbrthe 8th Annual CHaD Battle of the Badges Hockey Championship, presented by AutoFair. Purchase tickets and make a pledge to abrplayer or team. Enjoy the game on Saturday, April 11. Doors open at 4pm andbrgame time is at 5pm.
Funds raised in the seven-year history of thisbrevent total over 1.2 million dollars, with more to be added in year eight!brThanks to everyone who supports the police officers and firefighters, and thebrcritical programs and services at Children’s Hospitalbrat Dartmouth-Hitchcock (CHaD).
About CHaD
As New Hampshire’s only comprehensive,brfull-service children’s hospital, the Children’s Hospital atbrDartmouth-Hitchcock (CHaD) provides an extended system of care that offersbradvanced pediatric services. CHaD is committed to providing outstanding,brcompassionate care for children and their families. The mission is to providebreach child the best care, in the right place, at the right time, every time.brPhysician expertise provides primary, specialty, and tertiary care to thebrchildren of New Hampshire, Vermont, and beyond. CHaD sees children forbreverything from well care visits to the most complex childhood diseases.brhttp://www.chadkids.org/

8th Annual CHaD Battle of the Badges Hockey Championship: Apr 11, 2015 05:00PM
Which side will you support in this epic battle of Good vs. Good? All the good from this battle goes to the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD)! Read More »