by Sarah Pearson | Jun 25, 2022 | In Print, Life & Leisure, Uncategorized
From Sy Montgomery, the New York Times bestselling author of “The Soul of an Octopus” comes “The Hawk’s Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty.” When the Hancock author went to spend a day at falconer Nancy Cowan’s Deering farm, home to a dozen magnificent birds of prey,...
by By David Brooks | Jun 17, 2022 | In Print, Life & Leisure, Sports & Rec
One of the signs of spring in New Hampshire is the hundreds of thousands of brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout that get placed into lakes, streams and ponds all over the state. The fish are raised in six state-owned fish hatcheries until they reach a certain...
by Sarah Pearson | Jun 17, 2022 | Community, In Print, Life & Leisure
Hanging around the city pools has been a rite of passage for many of Concord’s youth. It’s also where many learned their first doggy-paddle many years ago. The city of Concord has seven pools, and in recent years it’s been a challenge to find the staffing to keep them...
by Around Concord Admin | Mar 24, 2022 | In Print, Life & Leisure
As the executive director of Kimball Jenkins, it’s no surprise that Julianne Gadoury of Concord loves the arts. So we asked about her favorite ways to enjoy all kinds of art — both indoors and outdoors — in the springtime, either with her husband, David Shore, and...
by Sarah Pearson | Dec 18, 2021 | In Print, Life & Leisure
Behind the Smile: The Story of Annalee Thorndike is the first-ever illustrated biography of the legendary doll maker. Her story is a tale of self-sufficiency, live-free-or-die resiliency, and a life-long passion to create. Her dolls would define her life, and many say...
by Sarah Pearson | Dec 17, 2021 | In Print, Life & Leisure
‘Chasing Eden: A Book of Seekers’ Seekers are all around us. They are seeking God, seeking freedom, seeking peace. “Chasing Eden: A Book of Seekers” (Bauhan Publishing) by Howard Mansfield is about this pursuit, about Americans seeking their Promised Land, their...