On April 27, 2015, police responded to Gibson’s Bookstore atbr45 S. Main St. for a report of a past tense theft. Upon arrival the manager reported that thebrstore had an issue involving some missing Julia Child cook-books. The manager said that at first he did notbrknow if there was an issue with their inventory or if the books had beenbrstolen. It was reported that a total ofbrfifteen books are missing with a value of approximately $500.

The manager said that he began reviewing video to see if hebrcould locate the problem. Upon viewingbrvideo from April 7, 2015 it was discovered that an older woman had removed twobrbooks from the shelf and placed them under her skirt before exiting the store.brThe manager reported that woman could be seen taking the books from the samebrsection that holds Julia Child cook-books.
It appears that when the woman is leaving the store she isbrholding something between her legs based on the way she was walking. The womanbris described as being “older” with white hair.
The Concord Police Department has recovered photographs andbrvideo from store security and is asking the public to assist in identifying thebrindividual of interest depicted in the photographs.
Anyone who has information relative to any criminalbrincident is asked to call the ConcordbrRegional Crimeline at (603)br226-3100, or submit information onlinebrto the website at: www.concordregionalcrimeline.com,bror Txt TIP234brand their message to CRIMES (274637). Crimeline awards cash to anyone whose information leads to the arrest and indictment of criminals.brAll tips remain anonymous.