On Friday, April 10, 2015 atbrapproximately 11:20 PM officers from the Concord Police Department responded tobrThorndike St. for a report of an armed robbery. The victim reported that a manbrhad entered his residence and pointed a gun at him and his 11-year-old son.
Police later learned that onebrmale subject, who the victim was familiar with, had been allowed into thebrapartment. Moments later, a second male subject entered the apartment armedbrwith a handgun. Police believe the two subjects were working together to commitbrthe robbery.
Police believed that thisbrincident was not random, that the victim was targeted for this robbery. Neitherbrthe adult male nor the 11-year-old boy sustained any injuries as a result ofbrthis incident.

Detectivesbrinvestigating the incident developed probable cause to conduct a search of thebrapartment on Thorndike St. On Tuesday, April 14, Concord Police Detectivesbrexecuted the search warrant at the address finding quantities of heroin,brmethamphetamines, cocaine and marijuana within the apartment. Detectives alsobrfound other evidence to suggest that drugs were being sold from that apartment.
Detectives arrested the resident, John Henry Cowdrey, 48 of Concord, on scene for the following crimes:
- Possession of controlled drugsbrx4 (fel b) rsa 318:b2
- Possession with intent to sellbrx3 (fel b) rsa 318:b2
- Possession of controlled drugbr(mis) rsa 318:b2
- Endangering welfare ofbrchild/incompetent (mis a) rsa 639:3
The 11-year-old boy was at school at the time of the search warrant andbrwas later turned over to other family. Cowdrey refused bail and was transportedbrto the Merrimack County Jail & House of Corrections to await arraignment.

Simultaneous to this, detectives developed probable cause to arrest, Randy Alcantara, 39 of Derry, for his alleged role in the robbery. Alcantara is believed to be thebrfirst male subject to enter into the Thorndike Street apartment. A warrant wasbrissued for his arrest on April 14th for the following offenses:
- Conspiracy to commit (robbery)br(fel a) rsa 629:3/636:1
- Criminal restraint (fel b) rsa 633:2
- Criminal liability (fel a) rsa 626:8
On April 16, 2015 at approximately 0200 Londonderry Police arrestedbrAlcantara on Concord PD’s warrant during a traffic stop. He was turned over tobrConcord Police where he was processed and ordered held on $15,000 cash bail. Hebrwas transported to the Merrimack County Jail & House of Corrections andbrJail to await arraignment.
Later on April 16, Concord detectives developed probable cause to issuebran arrest warrant for the second subject involved in the robbery. He isbrbelieved to be the second male subject who later entered the Thorndike Streetbrapartment with a gun. He is identified as, Nathan P. Lemire, 31 of Manchester, for the following offenses,
- Criminal threatening (rsa 634:2brfelony)
- Criminal threatening (rsa 634:2brfelony)
- brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrRobbery (rsa 636:1 felony)

At approximately 4:00PM on April 16 Manchester Police arrested Lemirebrat his residence on High St. in Manchester without incident. Lemire was turnedbrover to Concord Police detectives and later refused bail. He was transported tobrthe Merrimack County House of Corrections and Jail to await arraignment.
Concord PD would like to thank the Manchester Police Department, the United States Marshals Service, the Derry Police Department, the Londonderry Police Department and the New Hampshire State Police (Troop D) for theirbrassistance with this investigation.
brbrPolice are asking thebrpublic to please call them or the Concord Regional Crimeline (603-226-3100) ifbrthey have any information about this incident.
Man Enters Woman’s Home Uninvited

On April 2, 2015 at approximatelybr10:15 AM officers from the Concord Police Department arrested, James A. Gagne, 21 of Concord, for the following crimes:
- Burglary (RSA 635:1 Class A Fel)
- Possession of Controlled Drugs x2 (RSA 318-B:2,1 Class B Fel)
On 4/02/15 at approximately 1014 I responded to the area of FairfieldbrDr. for the report of a woman who had woken up to find an unknown male insidebrher home. Upon finding the male, thebrwoman told him to leave and he did.
Upon arrival, the woman reported that she had woken up to find a malebrsubject standing in her bedroom. Shebrsaid that the male subject told her his name was James and that he was goingbrdoor to door looking for work. Hebrallegedly told the woman that he had found her door open and entered the homebrto “check her welfare”. The woman described the suspect as a white male in hisbrearly twenties, wearing a black baseball cap, and black sweatshirt with pinkbrlettering.
After the male subject left the home, the woman discovered her purse lyingbron the floor next to the door of her bedroom where the subject had beenbrstanding. The woman reported that that abrquantity of cash and a debit card were missing from the purse.
An officer conducting a check of the area observed a male subjectbrfitting the suspect’s description near 85 Manchester Street. The officer detained the subject andbridentified him as James Gagne (age 21). Gagne was wearing a black sweatshirtbrwith pink lettering, as described by the victim. A short time later the female victimbrwas able to positively identify Gagne as the person who had entered her home.
Gagne was booked at Concord PD, refused bail and was transported to thebrMerrimack County House of Corrections. Shortly after arrival at the MerrimackbrCounty House of Corrections, Gagne was searched. During this search a small bagbrcontaining a white powdery substance and a clear rock-shaped object were foundbrin his possession. The bag containing the powdery substance was identified asbrheroin and the small clear rock was identified as cocaine.
Gagne will be arraigned this morning, April 3, 2015 at the 6thbrCircuit – District Division – Concord (Concord District Court).
As a result of this arrest the Concord Police executed multiplebrsearches at 4 separate locations in both Concord and Loudon. A quantity ofbrevidence was recovered related to this and other burglaries and thefts whichbrhave occurred on Manchester Street, Spruce Street and Mountain Road. Additionalbrcharges are forthcoming.
Based on witness statements, it is suspected that Gagne had a practicebrof going door-to-door asking for work. It is suspected that he would stealbrproperty from homeowners when the opportunity arose.
brbrPolice are asking thebrpublic to please call them or the Concord Regional Crimeline (603-226-3100) ifbrthey have any information about these alleged crimes.