The Friends Program works in several areas to assist peoplebrin the community. Their programs include Emergency Housing, Foster GrandparentbrProgram, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, and Youth Mentoring Program.


Emergency Housing


The Friends Emergency Housing Program is an emergencybrshelter for families, providing 24-hour, 7 days a week staffing. The programbrprovides intensive, community-based case management and short-term housing,braftercare and outreach services for families at risk of future homelessnes;bralong with transitional housing units in Concord. Families are provided withbrthe support, education and training to assist them in acquiring long-termbrskills and accessing resources to find and maintain permanent housing. Accordingbrto the Friends website, they provide housing for 11 homeless families eachbrmonth.


Foster Grandparent Program


This unique program has brought together tens of thousandsbrof needy children and loving retired adults who have all been deeply enrichedbrby new relationships. We train and place senior volunteers in schools,brnon-profit childcare centers, and other youth service organizations to help setbrchildren on the path to a successful future. And this Federal program paysbra tax-free stipend to income-eligible retirees to help them afford to volunteerbrand make ends meet.


Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)


Friends RSVP provides 620 volunteers to 130 nonprofit andbrpublic organizations to help them serve their clients and meet their missions.brRSVP volunteers give more than 63,000 hours each year to help meet communitybrneeds in Merrimack, Rockingham, Belknap, and Strafford Counties.


RSVP volunteers are engaged in more than 200 differentbrassignments, based upon their own interests, talents and time availability. Forbrexample, they help older adults live more independently by providingbrtransportation to medical appointments and the grocery store. They providebrisolation-reducing companionship to the elderly and disabled. Others serve asbrtutors and mentors to children and youth. Volunteers assist with public safety,brdisaster preparedness and blood drives. Many volunteers organize or manage localbrthrift shops and food banks that make it easier for struggling individuals andbrfamilies to make ends meet.


Youth Mentoring Program


The Friends Youth Mentoring Program was founded in 1975 tobraddress juvenile delinquency. Since then it has evolved, using best practicebrknowledge and research, to address a number of issues, including juvenilebrdelinquency, school performance, school dropout rates, substance abusebrprevention, and in general, positive youth development.

For more information on how to support the Friends program by attending one of their events, click the links below:

The 14th Annual Friends Charity Auction 05/03/2013 – 06:00 PM

FRIENDS ART WALK 04/19/2013 – 04:00 PM

Tickets are available online or at any of these locations: